Performance Based eCommerce

An effective eCommerce website will help grow your business while you sleep.

We understand that an ideal eCommerce website does more than just show your products.
We offer premium website design services for online stores in a variety of industries. Our sites are designed to attract new customers, deliver a satisfying shopping experience thorugh customer-driven UX, and streamline the behind-the-scenes management of your online store.

Features of our eCommerce builds include—but are not limited to—the following:

Fully custom designs
Complete product catalogs
Easy, secure checkout options
Merchant account integration
Secure payment processing (SSL installation) and hacker proofing
Editable shipping and tax settings
Inventory tracking
Interactive, real-time reporting
The ability to apply discounts and coupon codes
Product reviews
Product media management (product videos, PDF instruction manuals and more)
Built-in SEO for all pages (including products!)
Wholesale eCommerce capabilities

We design and build for all major industry-leading eCommerce platforms to ensure there is always an elegant foundation for your web store strategy. Our online stores are fast, secure, and versatile.

efelle creative stands out from the crowd with our ability to create fully custom eCommerce websites that are not limited by standard eCommerce store templates. By blending powerful eCommerce platform capabilities with that of our proprietary content management system, FusionCMS, we can design and build fully custom eCommerce websites that speak to the heart of your business, helping you establish a cohesive brand story throughout your site and giving you the flexibility to grow the site around your content rather than trying to squeeze it into a box.

Our eCommerce-dedicated website design also drives higher organic search results (SEO), greater conversion rates, and stellar all-around performance. To sweeten the deal even more, our sites are built to be flexible and fully scalable—you’ll never outgrow your eCommerce website.

Looking for an eCommerce Website Solution?

Whether you’re interested in adding eCommerce functionality to your current website or you’re ready to (re)design a full online store, our internet marketing team is ready to go to work for you. From Quickbooks Integration to Merchant Account Integration, contact us to learn more about how we can increase your ROI and make your eCommerce store easy to manage.

Digital Marketing &

Growth Strategies

eCommerce Design

and Development

Logo & Business

Collateral Design


Search Engine




Our Recent Work

Very few of our recent, featured projects are listed below,




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